
Apr 12, 2013 13:49

Last night we had Cat Drama. (i'm cutting and pasting from FB):

New cat toy called da Bird is a huge hit with the cats. (Flippy stick with big feather on the string.) Ripley got the string caught in one of her claws.

Well, she is polydactyl and has some claws that don't retract, so the claw just grows in a spiral. She is also absolutely PHOBIC about having her feet touched. So I already knew this would be a difficult removal.

Spencer, the annoying cat of annoyingness, has decided whenever Ripley is helpless (being held, for instance), she is open to ATTACK with tooth and claw. Cue mutual cat screaming and hissing.

I waited for Ripley to come out from under the cabinet, whereupon I snatched up Spencer and tossed him into the bathroom. Then I threw a towel over Ripley and, with her screaming and biting and scratching me, I finally managed to get the damn line out of her claw (taking a nice chunk of overgrown claw with it FTW).

Now both parties are sulking in their respective perches. I have some great scratches and a spot on my finger where I was chewed pretty hard (no skin broken there, yay!).

Just another night as a Cat Mom. *sigh*

Now the bottom joint of the finger on my right hand that was chewed on is all swollen. It's not hot or anything (no infection), just swollen from Ripley trying her best to bite it off.

I swear, I don't know what goes through Spencer's head in those situations. "Oh look, my roommate who is 1/3 my size is helpless. Let's beat the crap out of her!" When I move I'm making sure it's somewhere they can go outside and get away from each other. Plus I'll probably get them a kitten. :-)

This entry was originally posted at http://lillian13.dreamwidth.org/51054.html. Please comment there using OpenID.


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