Wherein I Blather

Feb 01, 2012 20:07

It's been a scattered ten days or so, so this is a scattered post.

I'm adding more shows to my schedule. I'm doing a little 2.5-hour show at a local grade school (Zilker Elementary) that is in a pretty well-to-do neighborhood, and several other craftspeople have told me it's a good show. I've also gotten into the inaugural Round Rock Market Days the first Saturday in March, and with any luck I'll be able to get in every month that I don't already have commitments. I'm going to visit the Austin Flea next week, a very hip show held in the Highball club/restaurant, in order to talk to the organizer and have other vendors I know tell her how great I am, so maybe I can get in.

I would love to get into the Renegade Craft Fair, but I'd have to commit $400 (pay up front, have it returned if I don't get in) and several folks have told me that the spring show isn't that great.

I am still hoping that I can do the World Horror Convention in Salt Lake City. I was going to use my promotional free flight with Southwest Airlines, but it expires 2 weeks before the show.  I may have someone that will use it and maybe get me a little $$ for the ticket. If that happens, I may be able to do the show. I did really well at the one in Austin last year, but having to pay for the plane ticket would really cut into potential profits. I have a roommate if I want one, though I would have to make other arrangements for Sunday night. She leaves Sunday and flying back Monday would save me $250. *sigh* Since I'd be flying up with my displays, I need to stick with Southwest since they don't charge for checked bags.

Evil knee has been pretty quiet--it's the left one that has been giving me fits lately. It feels as if I've strained a couple of muscles in that knee, probably from putting too much of my weight on it over the last year or so. After talking to my sister-in-law, I have made an appointment with another surgeon in order to get a second opinion regarding a knee replacement. I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired. I'm too damn young to be hobbling around like this.

I'm still looking for new workshop space. I have a very generous offer from bfly to use her garage (you rock!), but the hunt goes on so E, my buddy from the Lab, can also have space. There seems to be a shortage of small workshop-type space in town, though.

And the wait continues for my new loveseat. I'm calling the saleslady tomorrow just to check in. It would be nice if it showed up before I go to Denver in a couple of weeks. (Ghenghis Con!)

So, how have YOU been?
This entry was originally posted at http://lillian13.dreamwidth.org/38066.html. Please comment there using OpenID.

state of me, evil knee, conventions, jewelry

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