Ran a little late getting in this morning. (Which totally justifies me having put the booth completely together yesterday with my friend Y.) Crowds were good--though I got the distinct impression they weren't expecting as many people as they got (at least not all in one day), because almost all of the food vendors actually ran out of food at one point or another! I'm packing sandwiches to go with my water and tea tomorrow.
My sales were slow but steady. I'm in an interesting position at this show--I'm not "traditional" enough for the hard-core Faire folk, and my work is just a wee bit too experimental for the locals. Luckily I did make some solid sales, and had a nice large one right towards the end of the day that definitely ended it on a high note! And I did sell some buttons and may have picked up a commission for some more.
My amazing friend Y came out and gave me breaks (and hunted down food for me despite the shortages!) even though she wasn't feeling great. Her husband will come out tomorrow to give me a couple of breaks and help me tear down and load the wagon.
It was very warm and very, very, very dusty. The Faire is in the Lost Pines region, which means a) lots of pine trees and b) lots of sand. Lots and lots and lots of very fine sand. I was dusting my displays all day. When I got home tonight and got in the shower--ah! bliss!--my legs lost about 6 shades of color under running water. All of my table covers are going straight to the laundromat on Monday to get the dirt out.
I saw many people I know, including
marthawells (and her husband), my next-door neighbor, and one of my classmates from my jewelry classes whose opinion and work I really respect, especially now since he was impressed with my work. ;-)
Only made one purchase--a lovely, functional, bamboo cane. Very lightweight and very tough. May get a show tshirt tomorrow.
OK, car is gassed up, tea is chilling in the fridge, I am clean, so I'm calling it a night. It's an hour's drive out there so I have to get up at like 6:30 to get there by 9. On a weekend, no less! The horror!
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