Traveling home

May 31, 2011 15:11

Writing this from the San Jose International Airport on their free wi-fi/Phoenix airport free wi-fi.

The show went quite well, if you don't count the fact that I managed to delete 2 days worth of charges from the credit card machine while I was trying to fix the cell connection.*facepalm* I spent most of Sunday morning calling people between customers, and by yesterday all but 10 of the 45 charges were taken care of. Luckily, I give good phone. :-)

My friends H & J whisked me away Saturday and Sunday evenings. Saturday we went into Little Italy (full of good food) and to City Lights bookstore (full of pretentious hipsters). Ate at Mona Lisa's, where they make their own pasta and the portions are just right. mmmmmmm.  We parked in a city parking garage that had little fortune cookie-type sayings painted on every parking space. Sunday we grilled with some of their friends and watched Game of Thrones and tried to explain what was going on to someone who had never read the books.

Monday we had a short day in the dealer's room. I bought dice (of course), some figures for my D&D game, and an adventure book to go with the Laundry RPG (based on the Charles Stross books, which I highly recommend). And a cool breast cancer support t-shirt with samurai on it.

Got over to San Jose about 4 (J drove me, yay for friends!) and  I helped Scott finish packing up from Fanime. Got a quick massage from Ray Greer. (sigh)  Up early this morning and made my 9am flight with plenty of time.

I love the San Jose airport. Free wi-fi and the bathroom stalls are great--big enough for luggage and the doors open outward. I also love all their crazy art installations, from the giant robot installation as you go to security to the piezoelectric light sculpture in my departure hall. I found a little store that sold cherry products and I went a little crazy, but I was able to eat a bunch of fresh cherries for Second Breakfast.

Then temptation arose: should I take their offer of $300 flight credit plus a credit for the missed leg of my flight and arrive at home 4 hours later (6 instead of 2)? Damn skippy I did. So instead of a direct flight on the Nerd Bird between San Jose and Austin I've hopped to Phoenix and then soon to Austin. And I have $445 credit for flights on Southwest. I'll call it a win!

When I get home I have to do laundry and do some grocery shopping and pay my bills and buy stuff for my slightly delayed anniversary tomorrow. (Our tradition is if its your anniversary and you feel like marking the occasion, you bring the food.)  I'll have been at my job ELEVEN YEARS, which seems impossible.

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