Oh yes first sorry to all my friends whose comments to I haven't replied (which is basically all of them) SORRY!!!!
But I finally finally finished Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.
It was awesome.
Dear ones who haven't finished it please don't click! )
That's on my list to watch also.
So tell me if it's good :3 ♥
(Et parce que je t'aime :D <3 )
1. Your Middle Name: Ann.
2. Age: 16
3. Single or Taken: Single.
4. Favorite Movie: or A Tale of Two Sisters. I can't decide >//<
5. Favorite Song or Album: Right now my favorite song is Step By Step : DBSK
6. Favorite Band/Artist: DBSK / Dir en Grey / Lee Soo Young / Yiruma / Shiro Sagisu
7. Dirty or Clean: Clean? I still have no clue what exactly this question is refering to. XD I'll say clean just because I feel like it's asking me whether or not I shower daily o___o
8. Tattoos and/or Piercings: No tattoos, but I have 2 piercings on each ear. I used to have 3 in each, but I forgot about the last ones so they close up u___u' I want to get them pierced again this year, though.
9. Do we know each other outside of LJ? Noooo but if we did that would be way too awesome. 8D
10. What's your philosophy on life? I think that everyone in this world is born ( ... )
I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ahem. I'm like, obsessed with that boy. I swear.
Could he get any cuter?! >//////////<
Have you heard him speak English? I had a spasm & fell off my chair.
I sound so creepy & fangirlish XDD
Haha, it's so fun to pretend not to speak English.
My friend & I walked down the boardwalk speaking French,
&people kept looking at us like "WOW! LOOK AT THIS FRENCH GIRLS!" XD It was so funny. We felt so cool.
Half of what we were saying was "Look, those people are staring at us!" 8D
I don't know what we would've done if someone came running over speaking rapid French.
Probably just run away. XD
Awww he was so adorable! XDD <3
Ooo~ I will see if I can find some videos of YooChun speaking english for you.
Okay. This one was cute ^^
& Um. There's most likely going to be the other ones there on the related videos side of the page XD
If not, I have some on my favorites. :33 <3 ( ... )
I think it's because he lived in America for a few years.
He lived kind of close to me, too. Fairfax, VA?! Oy vay o___o;
Ahaha yosh! 8D
The first time I watched the 5 ways to say I love You thing,
I was sitting on the edge of my chair, &when he said it the second time, I fell off & landed on the floor in a fit of giggles. XDD
He is so smeeexxxyyyyy >/////<
O.O; IS THERE REALLY?! I heard a rumor a while ago that they were going to either make a HYD movie or a 3rd season but I didn't now it was true! OOO EXCITING! ♥
Awwww, you thought of me! XD <3
I feel happy.
&I KNOW WHAT YOU MEAN. What is with the French men being so hot?
If I ever did get the nerve to go talk to them I'd be stuttering & blushing the whole time >///<
& Yeah! Just like that.
If a guy at my school said to another guy, "You're cute :3" or even put his arm around him (DBSK does that whole touchy business a lot not that I'm...noticing such things...XD) they'd be like "WHOA GET OFF ME O.O ( ... )
We rock.
Ooooh! Really? :D I'm excited~ ^^v
More Domyouji F4 love whatsitssssss. >///<♥
Ah! You're going to the amusement park? Lucky!
Yeah! It's the accent.
Even if they're saying something like "Pass the butter, please."
It sounds so romantic o.o;
O.O Really? Man, all the guys at our school are like "DUUUUDE DON'T TOUCH ME." &I'm like >___o; Darn. We need some loving cute asian boys over here. XD
Ooo! I should! Is it hard to do it or no?
XD The dark corners of Seoul!
Yes yes yessss that is what will happen ;3
Yeah, when I was looking at the discription & such, I was thinking "Oohh this sounds like it will be sad but good at the same time!" I must watch it. & No, I haven't started watching Hana Kimi yet either >__o; *behind on drama watching*
YES. MATSUJUN WITHOUT A SHIRT. Now that would be the best.
Yes & more Mao/Jun kisses. ^///^ Those two are so adorable together.
OOO LUCKY!! Have fun! ^^
I would react the same way.
Oohhh, lovely French boys & their accents...*swoons*
We have some cute asian boys too, but sadly they don't display affection for each other at all. TT.TT
&Owaaah! Thank you! ♥
I shall attempt to make a MatsuJun shirt now! *punches fist in the air*
*nods* Yes! Exactly! I'm hoping their'll be a kiss like in Goong where Joo Ji Hoon tried to force a kiss on Eun Hye. The shirtless-ness would be a good bonus.
Thankss I went to China-town yesterday here and it was so awesome ^.^ So many cool things.
LOL I'll show you the picture just cause you'll either be like O.O or XD. ^.^ I'll put it on in the next post I'm putting on.
YES!! Exactly! Aja!
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