Might I say that the Draco I'm rping Daphne with is the best Draco EVER?!
Yes well sure he doesn't like D/G and sure he doesn't really use Boyd as his Draco (even after much prodding from me) BUT! He is still so the best...So what if he's dating Pansy?
HELL He's almost got me turned over to D/D (Draco/Daphne don't kill me if it wasn't for my weekly fix of
softlyforgotten because I never come on and theres always two updates when I visit her journal I would probably be turned over to D/D) AND he's got me singing the bloody song I wrote about Draco when he pissed Daphne off..
It's quite possible none of you know what I'm talking about and probably don't want to know so on to the more knowledgable things.
perdyful_wishes! THATS RIGHT! GET YOUR ASS BACK IN CANADA! SCHOOL'S STARTING SOON! Oh and yes we're all going to go see Step Up so be jealous be very jealous because a man named leprechaun IS-
Not coming.
Oh and is it me or is Channing Tatum one of the hottest ex-models anyone's ever laid eyes on?
3) I was watching Gone With the Wind yesterday at one in the morning and have decided that Scarlett O'Hara is a Scarlet woman. I MEAN KISSING ASHLEY (male)? What on earth was wrong with her?
This disappoints me seeing as how I've looked up to her since the first time I saw the movie at the age of eight. >.<
4) I have yet to watch Hana Yori Dango the animated movie BUT! The second J-Drama is coming out next year along with HP7 and HP and OotP movie. SO Squeeness lots to look forward to in 2007 INCLUDING the marriage of my oh-so dear cousin!
5) Yesterday I went mad in Payless and started trying on each and every shoe in the store. I shouldn't have since I'd already tried on all the same shoes in Scarborough Town Centre but obviously sense has no place in my life.
Other than that there is nothing more for me to say except go check out
_____faith's journal to see if she has another update for Z/D week ^.^
OH and
P.S. Tommorrow is also the day I collect my schedule for school. Which I really don't want to do cause I have almost no classes with Tashi and that basically makes me all boohooed because I'm now used to walking in the halls with her because we had almost every single class together last semester, and the semester before that. THOUGH I think me and Victoria have almost all the same classes together so that shall be superfun!
Oh and this entry was totally pointless so I shall tell you that model wise my photobucket it completely full. I've created like millions of little albums where pictures of models reside. None of the HP ones really except for Daria and Jeisa and a little Gemma >.< should work on that too.
Comment me and I glomp toi? and don't judge my taste in music
chisaii_niiro ^.^ I'm in love with that song for some reason.
Oh and who knew Zayed Khan got married last year on November the 20th? *heart break* and now only on my livejournal!
Doesn't Zayed look like he wants to choke her?
No seriously why did this photoshoot happen? In the second one it looks like he's mentally torturing himself.
Zayed:*THINKING* NO I DON'T WANT TO BITE HER PLEASE! DON'T MAKE ME! I DID'NT WANT TO DO THIS MOVIE! MEHER! (Okay so the last bit is so in my dreams)
Don't him and Amirta look much better?
Okay enough torturing of the bad brown actors. Though I'm starting to think of Amrita as a Parvati. I would think of Aish as one but COME ON! She's sooo old...she's like Kajol and Rani old now >.< Not that I don' t like Kajol or Rani! I love em just I like Amrita more...which sucks cause she's not doing too many movies soon...only Vivaah with Shahid (drool). Don't worry she doesn't always look so punk rocker when she dresses up she looks quite pretty so she is my Parvati Patil. ^.^ and Zayed is basically just MINE! (or his wife's you know either way works...)
OH and did you know that Zayed and Hrithik Roshan are brother in laws? CRAZY SHIT! I just realized that Susan(or Susie whatever the girl Hrithik married ages ago) was Zayed's sister.
ANDDD Thats it...to anyone who read all that *presents award* I'm sorry for scarring you with pictures like that but it had to be done. *grumble* and yes thats actually the end of my post. The end up there was fake. ^.^