this is funny. I mean, seriously? Who would've thought to steal the thing, take it on a grand ole' tour, and then return it, complete with a scrapbook of its adventures? Awesomsauce...and props to the "thief" for being so clever. :)
You're so
vain, you probly think this song is about you...really?? REALLY? Do newsfolk not have editors anymore? Reading that article (and please note, they've also used the wrong homonym in the caption under the photo, too!) made want to email Miss Lisa Rantala to let her know that people 4 states away from Ohio have read her article and want to beat her over the head with the cutesy little laptop she used to write it. Such medical terminology errors remind me (albeit extremely painfully) of the CNN newsticker a few years ago during an E. coli outbreak that stated "the cause of the virus is currently unknown." Do your homework folks. You're the "face of America" and with idiots like that in the media, no wonder the press is making such a big deal of Sarah Palin's daughter's pregnancy. Hello? What has that got to do with Palin's ability to run for office? While I wasn't privy to the situation, I'm fairly certain that Sarah Palin didn't play any role in her daughter getting pregnant...therefore her daughter's mistake has no bearing on the election (neither does the fact that Palin's husband had a DUI over 20 years ago, before they were married - he's not the one running for office!). Kudos to Obama for this statement "My mother had me when she was eighteen. How family deals with issues and teenage children- that shouldn’t be the topic of our politics.” AMEN.
Helped my little sister with her spelling homework tonight. She had to use the word "inquire" in a sentence. She wrote "Inquire I listen and sing." Poor kid. :)