Nov 09, 2004 09:34
So i'm sittin here thinkin a lot bout what Brittany said..and.....I hate not havin someone I can just turn to and be like come over cuz I'm havin a bad day and I need someone to hold me..Y can't I have someone like that??
I'll tell ya becuz guys dont wanna have gurls, well not most guys..they just wanna have a gurl but not be with them so really they have someone that they can do shit with but still be single..i'm sorry to tell ya buddy but u cant have ur cake and eat it to.
I miss havin someone who cared about me and i thought i was goin to have someone like that pretty sonn, but now i'm un sure.. Adn really I don't know if i want him as much as i so confussin..cuz when i see him i know that i want him, but when i'm away from him i think man i dunno.. and shit its condussin...I just wish he would tell me more then what he has. I wish he could give me a hint. But it looks like it it aint happenin.
I hate this shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1