Feb 06, 2007 14:29
The federal government is SERIOUSLY annoying. I have been trying to apply for deferment on my loans for many months now, and contnue to be turned down based on the alleged fact that I make TOO MUCH MONEY. Seems that they are overly confused by a paycheck that says its for 2 weeks whens its really for a month, even when they have 3 phone conversations with me, a letter from my employer, and a letter from the director of my volunteer program. Now, they claim, all they need is a letter from me. Because apparently, my employer and volunteer program are not enough, they need a lousy little letter saying "Hi, I'm Laura, I only get paid once a month. Thanks federal government" to truly believe me. Meanwhile, many many hundreds of dollars of interest have been piling up because while they screw with me, they can only put me in forbearance and not deferment. Additionally, they made me waste nearly all of my 40 min Tuesday break time that could have better been spent updating my Amazon.com wishlist for my upcoming birthday, or another such worthwhile pursuit. GRR.
In other news, I have 26 full weeks left in LVC where I need to make meals. Therefore, excluding the weeks I plan to make my standard lasagna, grandpa's spaghetti, pizza, tacos, and fried rice, I need 20 easy, cheap, vegetarian meal ideas that I will like (the last request being particularly difficult). I put this out to you few readers. HELP ME. Send all relevant recipe ideas as the mood strikes you.
While you are sending me recipes, please also feel free to send me pictures of potential hairstyles that would look smashing on me. I'm in dire need of a haircut, but need help with haircut ideas. Thanks eversomuch.
I'm eating graham crackers and drinking apple juice. This is what happens when you are a starving volunteer, and you scam food off of elementary school children.
Edited to add one more thing: What, my friends, is a girlfriend's responsibility on Valentine's Day? It struck me today that Mike and I were never in the same country for one, and now I have one in a week. Apparently Will has something planned, which he won't tell me, but what am I supposed to do? Advice, please, I've got nothing.