Dec 16, 2006 13:32
I catch myself longingly staring across the room at her
I don't know how to explain to her how I feel
It's embarrassing feeling this way
I don't know what to do
Do I tell her how I feel
Or do I just stay in this vicious eternal cycle
Always wanting, but never acting
No, it's time to act
No longer can I just sit around and wait for the moment
It's time to break this cycle
To stop being the loner
Always wanting to keep emotions bottled up
It's time to set them free
Time to tell someone "I love you"
I need to let it go
I need to just put it all out there
And I need not care how others will judge me
I'm tired of trying to be acceptable to society
Screw them, does it mater what they think?
Why should I care?
Acceptance does not equal greatness
Many times it's the exact opposite
I don't need your approval to be in love, to be a friend, or just a guy
Because what is life but a race toward an inevitable end?
Does it matter how we get there?
You live and then you die
If all your life you stive to be accepted by society
You may never know what love feels like
And at the end of the race what will you have achived
So do I tell her, or do I just want to finish the race?
Do I strive to live life to the fullest
Or do I want to continue to be the loner
Never sharing the feelings I have
Just giving the standardized anwsers to all the questions
Never opening up to anyone
She's all I can focus on
But I'm not sure enough to tell her
How does she feel?
I don't want to end up heart-broken
I'm fed up of being a loner
I need someone to be there to comfort me
Someone to love and someone to hold
Someone to talk to when I need help
I need someone to stabalize my life
Someone to give me some direction
I need her...