First off, a disclaimer of sorts. I haven't been this excited about new music for a while, hadn't felt the urge to find anything new, but lately that's changed, mostly thanks to me shamelessly leeching off the Boy's insanely extensive music-library. And now I project my new-found music-happiness on whoever's actually interested in reading this :)
Today I indulged myself and went CD-shopping. My greatest triumph was the Swedish band "The Coffinshakers". Here's their song "
Last night down by the grave" I also bought Graveyard's latest album, "Hisingen Blues". Heh, the shopkeeper pointed out that I had a good theme going with "The Coffinshakers" and then "Graveyard". I agreed.
And omg! Graveyard is playing this Saturday at Klubi! (...But I have no one to go there with. The boy decided to join me! But still, for anyone else: tickets 17€ at the door, 15€ ennakkoon!)
"The Siren"--> I love the imagery in this one, makes me want to paint scary alligators and flamingos and demons!
The Black Keys is going to do a concert at the Flow Festival in Helsinki on the 11.8, whee!
"Gold on the ceiling""Howlin' for you"--> these two guys have the most solid and brilliant sound I've heard in a long time; truly classic and truly new at the same time.
And (oj oj nostalgi) Kent is coming to Finland!:
27 June - Helsinki - Garden party (whatever that's supposed to mean? And besides, won't be in Finland then...)
21 August - Turku - Slottsfestival (MUST. GO.)
"400 slag""Utan dina andetag" Also, earlier in the week I got my hands on Lykke Li's album "Wounded Rhymes" ^_^
"Silent my Song" is probably my favourite song on it.
Anyway, those were the main things I've been obsessing about lately, hope someone liked at least some of it! Now I should return to my essay on how the ancient greek gods are depicted in "Xena the Warrior Princess". I love Comparative Religion-courses ;)
Picture: Just one of many many awesome concert-posters, can be found on their Facebook page.