Feb 17, 2004 21:43

Hi people...
So lets start out by saying that my babe and i visited Jason at the hospital today and trhe rumors are SOOOOO WRONG~! okay... Jason has no broken bones... no broken neck or anything close to that... just a few stitches here and there and his throat hurts a bit... alright... the car did NOT flip over.... he was NOT going 80 mph, he was NOT drunk, was NOT high... it was at7 or 8 pm. . . and someone cut him off and he slammed on his brakes and thats what happened... so dont listen to these fuckin people ewho make shit up . . . OK? Anyway... thank GOD he's okay... on a better note... im moving out of my dungeon. . . well... kinda.. i am not alowed ti sleep there anyymore... our new landlord is being a bitch. . . So i had my first swim practice today... and it was.... well. . . kinda rough because these varsity people are too fast for my life... and i feel like im a snail.... a slow one.. even though im not reallyt slow... just in comparison... these people are like CIF champions.. . BASICALLY, they are AMAZING SWIMMERS! I have to warn you guys... i do and will continue to smell like chlorine for the next 3 months... so if you dont like that... well then toooooo bad. alright.. have aaa nice daaaaaay... i am PMSing.. so dont bother me byebye PS!!! COME TO THE BOYS VARSITY CIF GAME WEDNESSDAY FEB 18th YA BABE #34!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO PSS!! MY BABE IS THE BEST POIUNT GUARD~!!!! YES LEZLIE BETTER THAN ME!!! ASSIST MANIAC
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