Jan 27, 2004 18:07

Hi guys... it's Lal again.. so... we have A Lot (two words) to catch up on... First things first... I AM PLAYING BBALL AGAIN!!! WOOOOO!!!... okay... i went all the way to Orange County to this sports med doc, who specializez in knees and arthroscopic surgeries... and after looking at my MRI's and giving my knee a physical exam... he came to the conclusion that the MRI doesn't correspond with my exam...????!!!?!?~~ I had no pain in the parts where i was supposed to according to the MRI... but just some pain in in other random places. So I went to my 1st practice after not practicing for 1 month. that was on Monday... by the way.. i didn't go to school just to get a 2nd oppinion. SHUT UP TIFF I DO GO TO SCHOOL!!!And it was SSOOOO worth it! Alright well my 1st practicee wasnt that great.... my shot was very off... and i was kinda outta control. But doday was different... While scrimmaging... i played great defense... COACH BRADDELL even said so!!! he said "Laleh! Thats Great Defense! Good Job..." about 3 times... so that made my day! i was actually under control! No reaching. WOOHOO. Okay... tomorow we have a game... and LET ME TELL YOU something... WE ARE GOING TO KILL THEM... Unless they kill us first.. (with weapons) okay... enough abiout bball... OH NO WAIT!!! I FUCKING HATE SUPER SUICEDES!!!! AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH i wanna jujst die! actually i wanna Commit suicide!!! LOL!!! Today i couldn't breath.... as usual.... by the last 45 seconds... i felt like i was breathing through a straw! i tiny one!!!! like the ones that you drink hot HOTTTTT tea with. Okay seriously.. enough of the damn sport... okay not to school... ummm.... i ended up getting the "B" in History... thats alright Lal... and i went to Sampera to tell him i couldn't take the math Final today and he gave me a little attitude so i went to my councelor.. and he said whats more important bball practice or your grades? and i hesitated... well.. basketball makes me happier.... OOO....K...... welll i'll see what i can do... so i went to the head of the mth fianl department.. MRS WORTMAN!!! WOW WHAT A BITCH!!! She said "Well is your coach gonna play you anyway? i mean... are you that good... are you important? " but it was so much worse... wow... so i just looked at her with disgust... and she ended up letting me take it on Thursday. Okay... its so sad that stories outside of bball stilll lead to the subject... ok... This morning Jon picked me up and we went to school together... and as he parked the car... i realized that i forgot to take my pills! OMG!!! i drove back home took my pills and ended up being late to my history final that i ended up failing might i add... lol its okay... because at least i dedeserved a "B". Think how bad it would have been if i studied and still got the "B"!?!??!!!! wow... okay...I am finally getting pretty good at playing the song "Your Body is a Wonderland" by Jon Meyer... its harder than it sounds... GALER.... have you noticed i have never played in a game with you.... or even scrimmaged in practice!~~~ thats psycotic! does thast mean i am not gonna play with you tomorow? OH LAL! So Donna is officially my "Study partner" we both study with thew same method... Its a really eaSY method... YOU DONT STUDY>>> you just talk!!! WOOHOOO. I think thats all that happened in the past couple of days... so byebye
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