Aug 22, 2003 17:46
just had to keep it, for memory's sake. he is referring to one night spent on a sandbar after eating mushrooms. the stars were amazing and the nocta luna were glowing in the waves and . . . it was amazing. just running around dipping into the waves and kicking up sand and bear-hugging everyone and watching the ripples and waves . .. . .. . .. . . ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!
ScarletIshow: i had to tell you something for like the last week i was there
ScarletIshow: but didn't get the chance
dharmamamega: what's that?
ScarletIshow: you sure you're ready?
ScarletIshow: i kinda feel wierd saying it
ScarletIshow: anyways
ScarletIshow: that night that we were out on the sandbar
ScarletIshow: i looked at you and you had this look on your face of sheer pleasure
ScarletIshow: i can still picture it in my mind
ScarletIshow: it was like you were genuinly loving the life that you were living
dharmamamega: (smile)
ScarletIshow: i just wanted to tell you that your face made my day, and two weeks for that matter
ScarletIshow: it is refreshing to see someone with as much vibrance in everything that he/she does as you do
ScarletIshow: i pray that you keep that close to your actions throughout your life
dharmamamega: haha! i'm so glad to hear that! you just made my day in return (if not longer than that)
ScarletIshow: it was truly a wonderful face
dharmamamega: thank you . . words are inadequate, but thank you
ScarletIshow: you're welcome
dharmamamega: i will certainly try to keep it
ScarletIshow: and a thanks is all that's needed
ScarletIshow: so it is adequat