May 12, 2004 16:18
hell0 people .. so today was soo gay 1st in the morning we had the may persection almost died!! if chris hoang wasn't there i probally would of died! haha anyway after the may persetion i had 1st period almost fell asleep in that class cause its gay 2nd period get a snaple yumm haha then 3rd fell asleep then 4th wrote a note to cait then 5th had to pay attention then 6th gay 7th wow somebaody is alil concieded nah i take that back not alil a fuckin shit load!!! omg anyway then 8th was awake then bus was gay almost fell asleep then walk home was torture !! then got home put my uniform in the wash nd waited till my brother got off the computer !! n now my dad is freakin out at nothin cause hes an asshole nd should die i hate him!! anyway i got 2 projects for knowles due friday then i got to study the hail mary in spanish cause we have a test on that aint that gay! uhh soo nd i got a project for history but i dunno when thats due.. soo yeah thats cool tom. is one step closer to friday!! ok can't wait friday drinkin wit amber cait jerica then saturday drinkin wit bern kate gina nd other people then sunday drinkin wit cait nd tonia! wait till jess opens her pool cause me cait kim nd meg r goin over!! yes!!!! haha i love u jess for havin a pool!! yes haha okay so pc if i don't like u never come back here again aka if ur fat nd ur name is kate mel get the fuck out of here cause so many people hate u nd ur ugly fat nd a prude o wait u got wit chicks nvm!!