Dec 18, 2004 10:10
Selections From You Know You're From LA When... (along with comments by kim in parenthesis)
--> If your destination is more than 5 minutes away on foot, you're definitely driving. (welcome to the laziness that is california)
--> Your TV show is interrupted by a police chase. (i used to hate it when that happened... and always during the good shows too)
--> When giving directions , you follow up with the phrase: "With/Without traffic." (allll the time)
--> Driving along, you see a high-speed police chase approaching in
your rear view mirror. You don't panic or even flinch. Instead, you
call your friends on your car phone and tell them you're on TV. (my mom did that to me once)
--> Walking out of Jamba Juice, you see that a movie is being shot on-location across the street. (it happens.)
--> You are not happy, or even slightly exited that there may be a
movie star there. You just say, " They f*ckin better not be blocking my
parking space." (so true... it was
like that when cindy crawford was making a commercial at the mall i
worked at. i was so mad because their trailers took up the parking lot!
the good spots too.)
--> You have to yell at your bank teller through a 2 inch thick wall of plexi-glass. (i always thought this was normal. ive been in 2 bank robberies though)
--> You know what In N Out is and feel bad for all the other states because they don't have any. (i heart in n out)
--> You know who the tinsel underwear dude in Venice Beach is. (and the silver guy that plays the drums)
--> You say you live in LA when really you live in a subsection of a subsection of a subsection of southern LA. (redondo beach! we're in a beach boys song...)
--> The guy at 8:30 in the morning at Starbucks wearing the baseball
cap and sunglasses who looks like George Clooney IS George Clooney.
--> It's sprinkling and there's a report on every news station about "STORM WATCH '99" (we're wimps when it comes to weather)
--> The three hour traffic jam you just sat through wasn't caused by
a horrific 9 car pile-up, but by everyone slowing to rubberneck at a
lost shoe lying on the shoulder. (oh
my god. i hate these people. with a passion. everyone looks though. i
always want to know how the shoe got there in the first place and who
is walking around with no shoe. Same thing goes for a tire lying
on the side of the freeway)