i am terrified of all things, frightened of the dark.

May 19, 2005 21:41

i have just viewed Volcano High... wow that was an amazing movie! lol. like whoa.

so yeah, i'm pretty much ready for exams to be over... i had an amazing today, i didn't have to come because it was 2 and B period, i had Computer and Study, and i already finished my computer exam ahead of time... so yeah, i didn't have to go to school! whoot whoot. i did come after to clean my locker though. i will miss you brookwood.

a long while ago, me and courtney went to Wild Adventures to see Switchfoot. THE WHOLE DAY WAS AN EFFING MONSOON! lol it was pouring out all day, thank god we spend so much money on those stylish ponchos. switchfoot of course was amazing. it was so weird, it like stopped raining when they started, and then when they sang the actual words "i want more than fine!" this huge bold of lighting came crashing down and thunder clapped so loud. freaking amazing, ahh i'm in love. not with jonathan though... the kid wouldn't stop putting his arm around me. lol.

so my parents hired a guy named tony on friday.. he's weird... anyway, they fired him yesterday. okay, next topic.

i want to pensacola beach for mothers day, and i pretty much got sunburned, AGAIN! the freaking second time in my whole entire life. dang it, i should use stronger sunscreen or something.

Han suggested that i come back to New England in like June because he has two weeks free for doing anything, that would be freaking awesome! he better convince my parents into it. and plus, i think cassie's having her party that month too, i must be there, or beverages and snacks will be wasted on a funless party.

Wednesday, we had our sophomore pool party... yet another amazing event in my life. lol. and after a bunch of us went to Hawaiian Snow (my first time), yeah that was pretty sweet. Crighton is an amazing hoola-hooper! ... aw i feel bad for Crighton, he sorta scraped the side of his range rover on Mrs. Callaway's fence. not like everyone rushing out of the pool to see it made him feel any better. hey, and Ashton got a free ice! lol whoo!

simply amazing.

haha look at cory's face!!


is amazingg! lol.

Beba and Kristen.

Elizabeth owns all!!!

Hawiian Snow is such an amazing place.

Lee, Anna Carroll and Anne.. Anne with a little bit of blue ice in her mouth.

yum bubble gum.

on the way to switchfoot!!

courtney ownsss!!

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