Happy New Year!!

Jan 02, 2005 11:11

yeah, so for New Years we (as in my mom and dad, and Kendall and Han) went to Jacksonville. it was soooo fun. and it was beautiful. the weather and everything was just perfect.

we went to the beach and pierre, and we went all around and ate at Joe's Crab Shack... where i got the best t-shirt ever. it's pink and it says 'i just love a man with crabs' hahaha. let's see if i can pull it off and wear it to school one day.. we'll see.... hello honor councel!

we've got a game this friday against TiftArea.. oh crap.
well i guess this is it, eh? goodbye vacation, you will be missed. please come back and visit really soon. please.

[x] The Basics [x]
Name ::: Kim
Age ::: 16
Gender ::: Female
Birthday ::: November 4th, 1988
Eye color ::: Brown
Hair color ::: Brown/Black
What school do you go to? ::: Brookwood College Preparatory School.
What grade are you in? ::: 10
How many siblings? ::: 3

[x] Favorites [x]
Color ::: Salmon Pink
Music ::: my absolute favorite is indy rock.
Animal ::: Dog
Band/group ::: Weezer
Food ::: Steak/Lobster
Drink ::: Strawberry Daquiri
Female Actress ::: Renee Zellwigger
Male Actor ::: Toby Maguire/Jude Law --sizzzzzzle.
Female Singer ::: Alicia Keys
Male Singer ::: Captian Cuomo/Billy Joe/Usher
TV Show ::: don't watch much tv... but i do watch quite a bit of football.
Movie ::: i like a lot of movies; Napoleon Dynamite (!!!), Cold Mountain, Spiderman 1/2, and Collateral
Candy ::: Swedish Fish
CD ::: Good News For People Who Love Bad News.
Website ::: http://www.mxtabs.net/guitartabs.php
Person ::: no one in particular..
Place ::: Boston, Massachussetts
Thing ::: Music
Restaurant ::: Joe's Crab Shack!!

[x] This -or- That [x]
Coke -or- Pepsi::: Pepsi
Sprite -or- Sierra Mist::: Sprite
Movie -or- TV show::: movie
Yahoo -or- AIM::: AIM
Internet -or- Phone::: phone
Rap -or- Rock::: Rock
Girls -or- Boys::: Boys
Blink 182 -or- Simple Plan::: Blink 182
Usher -or- Kanye West::: Usher

[x] Do you ... [x]
smoke? ::: No
do drugs? ::: No
drink? ::: well... haha
go to church? ::: only when i feel like waking up at eight o'clock on a sunday morning
swear? ::: uh huh. but not too often.
dance in the rain? ::: YES!
sleep a lot? ::: it's my hobbie.
like school? ::: HEAVENS NO. who the hell does?
like doing surveys? ::: every once in a while
talk on the phone a lot? ::: not as often as i used to.
have your own webpage? ::: i don't know.. if a livejournal is considered one.

[x] Love Life [x]
Are you single? ::: yes
Do you have a crush? ::: sort of.
Who was your first kiss? ::: Brett --haha yeah and it wasn't just a kiss.
Are you still a virgin? ::: wouldn't you like to know... erm. yes. haha
Turn ons ::: someone who's wicked funny
Turn offs ::: annoying and overly cocky guys that won't leave me alone. ugh.
What do you look for in a guy/girl? ::: someone who's sweet and listens 'intentively'.
Have you ever been in love? ::: nope
Who was your first love? ::: look above.
Have you ever cried over a guy/girl? ::: ugh yes, it is so unnecessary.
Have you ever been heartbroken? ::: no... not really

[x] First Thing that comes to mind when you hear .. [x]
Snow ::: ugh not georgia
Gravel ::: fish tank
Mountains ::: New Hampshire
Grass ::: weed
MTV ::: Carson Daly --oh have the times changed.
New York ::: shopping
President Bush ::: cute lil old man

[x] Would you ever.. [x]:
Get a tattoo? ::: yeah, something little.
Get any more piercings? ::: probably
Waterski? ::: heck yes
Snowboard? ::: hey, it's a lot harder than it looks.. okay?
Ski? ::: now that's what i'm talking about. haha.
Jump off a building into a pool of jello? ::: well is it lime?
Strip for money? ::: ...depends how much you're talking... haha ;-)
play strip poker? ::: lemme think about that one..
have a one night stand? ::: do i look like a whore?

[x] Random Stuff [x]:
What are you doing right now? ::: uh.. i believe i'm sitting at my laptop.
What are you watching on TV? ::: who said i was watching tv...
What kind of music are you listening to? ::: a mix of stuff
Who and how many people are you talkin online? ::: nobody.. it's like 10 in the morning
Who do you miss? ::: a lot of people... marj, abby, maggie, michael...
What was the last thing you ate? ::: donut
What was the last thing you drank? ::: orange juice
What are your hobbies? ::: mostly playing guitar.
When's the last time you went shopping? ::: yesterday
When's the last time you went outside? ::: when i went to church this morning
Who's house did you sleepover last? ::: marj's... we're talking about way back.
When's the last time you got into a fight? ::: me and my mom; fist fight... blood EVERYWHERE!!
When's the last time you were in a fist fight? ::: see above.
When's the last time you were embaressed? ::: gosh, i don't even count anymore.
Where do you wish you were right now? ::: somewhere up north.
Are you tired of my survey yet? ::: YES.
What do you do when life's got you down? ::: put on some LOUD music or pick up my guitar..
Who's in the room with you? ::: nobody but me.
What's by the computer? ::: a crap load of... crap... it's my desk.. what do you think?
What's your biggest fears? ::: losing someone i love and letting 'him' go, without telling him how i feel.
What are your obsessions? ::: boys..?
What are your addictions? ::: crack. what's a crackwhore without it? i couldn't just simply be a whore.
How many people live with you? ::: five
What do you live in? ::: the dumpster behind Waffle House.
Who's the last person you hugged? ::: hmmm... Kate when we swapped gifts. =)
What do you see outside the window near you?::: the sky.
What are you looking forward to? ::: ... not going back to school.
Are you wearing anything on your feet? ::: nope
What do you like better: flip-flops, sneakers, or sandels?:: flip-flops
What was the last movie you saw? ::: Cold Mountain
What was the last movie you saw in theatres? ::: Meet the Fockers.. haha one of the greatest movies ever!!
What was the last commerical you saw? ::: that cool hp commercial

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