Jun 29, 2005 01:23
Lets see well life is okay not the most perfect one in the world but who's is? My mom should be gone cant wait for that in a way cuz she is the one that sent me to counseling and was as well the problem. I just feel as if when she leaves my dad might be a better person and he wouldnt have top fake be happy all the time...persoanlly I think it shouldve ended a while ago, but then again a while ago I wouldve prolly been with my mom considering me n my dad never really got along.. another thing Im scared of is what if after this my dad has a relapse back into how he used to be...In a way I dont wanna move with him Id rather be with my friends or sumthin, in a way Im really wishing if this does go thru that Rusti would stay with me n my dad. i would really like it and I would really appreciate it cuz believe it or not she's my bestfriend I dunno what I would do without her she knows everything about me I know most about her and we click...not like me n most ppl do. She like the tie at the end of my string. So with her living with us it would b great only my dad would have to put up with two shit heads....lol....I just really wish this was all over with. Or at least I wish I never woulda heard about this at the beginning.....but I guess Ill go now
PeAce PeAcE
Leave sum luvin, but its very doubtful