1] Favorite scent: Curious by Britney Spears
2] Favorite way to relax: sleep
3] Favorite movie you own: Chicago
4] Favorite movie you don't own: Who Framed Roger Rabbit?
5] Favorite male movie star: Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom, Tom Cruise
6] Favorite female movie star: Angelina Jolie, Rachel McAdams
7] Favorite book genre: murder mysteries or romance
8] Favorite clothing store: Forever XXI ♥ ♥ ♥
9] Favorite non-clothing store: Burlington Coat Factory or Target
10] Favorite cartoon character: Jessica Rabbit, Tinkerbell, Stitch
11] Favorite CD you own: Britney Spears- In The Zone
12] Favorite CD you don't already own: Kelly Clarkson- Breakaway
13] Pass the torch and tag five of your LJ friends!~