Jan 18, 2005 17:10
O man. todaiie was the greatest daiie ever But i'll get to that when iit gets to sciience. =D.
French: Learned liike 7 lessons and got loads of h/w. Miiss called herself fat.. yet agaiin.
Sciience: hahah. o man. K were doiing presentatiions. ii was soo scared that ours wouldn't be good enough cuz the giirls diidn't know what ii worked oh so very hard on, lol. N e waiies, a group went to go and siir saiid turn off the liights. Well jordan put hiis arm around me and saiid, "and ii'll do thiis." See me and jordan joke around liike that so iit was no surpriise. Earliier he kiissed me on the cheek. Liike so obviiously don't care. Siir iis siittiing in the back and goes, "JORDAN! THAT'S SEXUAL HARRASSMENT." He scared the shiit outta me. Of course, jordan just looked at hiim and put hiis hand on mii back and saiid, "So siir thiis is sexual harrassment?" Of course siir responded yes. Jordan was liike c'mon, she's mii best friiend and iits not liike iit bothers her. Riight then ii wanted to turn around and be liike, "yeah. honestly ii realliie don't care." But ii was pretty scared at the moment. I felt so bad. Sry jordan=(. N e waiies, we got perfect on our iisu. ii was sooo happiie!
Lunch: Got called down to the offiice to get mii purse. Mii grandmother iis such a sweetheart. She dropped iit off and put $5 iin iit for mii lunch. liike. wow. ii love her soo much. So i got a poutiine and stanii just walked out the door wiith mii slushii. haha. fiirst thiing she's ever taken... bad stanii. haha. j/k.
Math: got reviiew for tomorrow's test. OH SHIIT II HAVE A TEST TOMORROW!!! lmao. n e waiies, talked with people... lols... ii was iin a hyper mood so... yeah.. lol
Careers: Had some boriing ass teacher come iin adn talk about our future "educatiion." Honestly, ii was somewhat iinterested but she treated us liike two year olds! Jeeze. iff she was a manager and read resumes, everyone would be accepted. lols.
After school ii waiited for renza to get out of detentiion because ii'm such a good friiend.=D. ii walked around wiith aliiciia s. and lauren. Ah.. they made the tiime fliie. we walked home iin the freeziing cold. Liike omg. But now ii'm home and toasty and warm.=D. But ii gotta get started on the homework. Taaa assfaces!!! Peace.
*iits a long walk home but iits worth walking if he'll be there.*