Jul 14, 2004 11:38
helo0o well yesterday i was at the denist and then i came home and i got mcdonalds and then after taht i took a shower and then m aunt drove me to jamies around liek 530ish and then jamie got a shower and we went to a stupid gay fight at parkwood nothin happened and then we went to academy sabars cause the cops were all at parkwood & then after that we went back to joes but me and keiter ran half the way .. and we had a AWES0ME converstation .. and then we juss chilled at joes for alil & then we went back to sykes house and we were juss talkin but lets say me and keiter are very pissed off.. well im goin to my game tongiht and i think im gonna go with laur to get her nails done nd shes gonna come to my game and then i guess we are juss gonna go out.. ight bye