May 30, 2009 07:59
I had never really wanted to see this movie. The commercials didn't really appeal to me. For some reason, I ended up putting it in my Blockbuster queue. I think I forgot which movie it actually was. Anyway, I figured I'd watch it since I had it. So the movie was pretty boring to me most of the way through. There were one or two scenes that pulled me in a little. I just kind of got anxious for the end, because I wanted to see how they were going to leave things. And then when the end really came, the movie was a lot more enjoyable. In fact, I almost wanted to watch it again immediately. To say anything else would probably give away too much and ruin the movie for people. But I will say that the end definitely makes the just kind of have to go along until you get there. Don't get me wrong, though. The acting is good. The scenery is great. The setting was very smart. The movie has a lot of things going for it. If you actually watch it, then I think you'll understand why I was bored and why I changed my mind when it was over.
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