I haven't read the books. I didn't want to read them until after I saw the movies (which is also my stance on Harry Potter), so it could be a few years before I get around to them. This also means that I won't be comparing the movies to anything (other than other vampire-based movies and shows, I guess). Books also have an unfair advantage, as they can be as long as they need to be and can include effects that are too expensive to put into a movie.
The bottom line is that I liked the movie.
The first half of the movie was really awkward. There were some directing choices and cuts that I wasn't completely on board yet. The look/mood of the film seemed to kind of change between scenes at times. It just didn't totally feel cohesive. I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt and saying that the awkwardness of the film was a representation of the awkwardness of adolescence and going to a new school where you don't know anyone. On that level, it worked for me...so I'll just stick with that.
I also don't know that I think Kristen Stewart was the best casting choice, but I've grown to accept her as Bella. If there's one thing I hate more than sub par acting, it's replacing an actor in a sequel (*thinks about the Jacob debacle that was narrowly avoided*). I'm not saying Kristen is a bad actress...just not the best. And maybe just not the best for this role.
Luckily, the bad wigs/hair and makeup that had me worried in promo photos looked a lot better on film. Unfortunately, some of the special effects were just not good...like anything involving speed.
But I could overlook most of the issues pretty easily and enjoyed the movie a lot...especially the second half. I'd have to say that my favorite part was Alice pitching. She just looked like a strange pitching ballerina with the way that she lifted her leg up without bending it at the knee...so cool!
Before I saw the movie, I was annoyed that the director bailed on the sequel...but (not unlike the Harry Potter movies), I think it could do the franchise good to have a new perspective.