Private Practice

Oct 23, 2008 17:30

It looked like things would be getting better at the end of this episode, but the previews for next week make it look like things will get worse. I'm excited that Addison has the hot SWAT guy from Gilmore Girls back in her life. He says really cute and sweet things, which she deserves. The shooting range thing was kind of creepy, though. Please put down the gun when you kiss someone.

It's good to have Dell back. They need him, but it sucks that he gave up the better job out of obligation.

And Violet's storyline really hit home. I spent the whole time trying to figure out what I'd do in that situation. It resolved itself realistically, and I'm glad it was a happy ending. Dealing with a sociopath is not fun. My heart broke for Violet when she gave her speech to Naomi. I guess I never realized that Violet got kicked to the curb when Addison showed up.

I keep reading about people who hate Private Practice, but I kind of think it's that they were expecting a Grey's clone and didn't get it. It's a completely different entity, and it works when you don't expect it to be what it isn't.

private practice, television, grey's anatomy, greys anatomy, tv

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