It took me all week to download the right episode, find a way to extract the file, and finally get a chance to watch it...but it was worth it. Aside from some really cheesy future Peter dialogue, it was a huge episode. First, I'll give you the stuff that I said in response to another post. It might not all make sense without the stuff that I responded to, but do your best to decipher it.
I think Jessica was Nikki's sister in her adopted family. She gave that name to one of her split personalities when the real Jessica died. Everyone assumed Jessica was Nikki's twin, but she wasn't.
Peter is being consumed by the hunger that has been consuming Sylar all this time. His mom knows how to keep it at bay, though, so there's a good bet that Peter and Sylar will become a support system to keep each other from killing people to find out how they work.
I'm sure that Noah was named after Claire's adoptive father, but I don't know why. It was probably a tribute when older Noah, who probably remains Sylar's partner, gets killed in the line of duty or something. I was originally thinking that maybe he had an affair with Angela that resulted in Sylar, but Noah's way too young to be Sylar's dad. I wonder who little Noah's mom is, though.
I'm amused that Peter and Hiro don't go back to three seconds before they make mistakes and fix them then. Instead, they always try to find a new situation to change in order to fix the future.
Adam was in the opener, so I knew he'd be turning back up eventually. If I remember right, he's teamed up with Claire and company in the future.
Oh yeah. Future Peter died, because the Haitian was there dampening his powers. No powers, no healing. And I'm sure his power doesn't kick in after he's actually dead.
And now some more coherent notes.
Aww. It's so sad that little Noah died. Interestingly, it seems that past Peter might have been the trigger to the world blowing up in the future. Had future Peter not brought past Peter to the future, the future might have changed for the better. I wonder what Mohinder is actually turning into...Spider-Man gone wrong?