But I just finished my daily online routine. I got a late start due to going out for lunch (thanks for the conversation and cool Nintendo swag
drew2u!). It's been abnormally long since I've had Dairy Queen, so it was a great idea.
I came home from lunch to find that my power had gone off while I was out. It was back on, but I had to reset all of my clocks. I still don't know what happened.
I also found out that the Grosse Point DVD (WB series that was cancelled super early) has been pushed back again. I ordered this in March, it's been rescheduled a number of times, was supposed to ship on the 7th, then on the 13th...but now won't ship until the middle of January. I don't get it.
Anyway, everything is in order. I have a feeling that I'm forgetting something, but I need sleep so that I can train someone at work tonight. I get to leave early on Thursday morning, so that will be a great thing!
I really shouldn't be this crazy about Christmas music yet. What's going on with me?