Happy Anniversary...

Sep 11, 2010 02:01

Today marks 7 years at my workplace. It's crazy! I can't believe all of this time has passed. I used to evaluate yearly and decide whether I wanted to stick it out or not, but I've settled into a long-term plan now. I know that this isn't going to be my last job, but I'm enjoying the security right now. I have a good idea of what my next step is about when I plan to take it. But who knows what might happen in the next few years. I don't think I'd mind if something came along to change my plans...

It's nice to be able to think back on all the people that I've met through this job. I still keep in touch with some of them. Some of the kids that I've worked with still give me updates. It makes me proud to know that I've touched lives in a meaningful and lasting way. That's really what I've wanted to do with my life, regardless of the title placed on it or responsibilities involved.

Today is also the anniversary of the attack on the World Trade Center. 9 years ago our country's entire way of life was changed drastically. I'll never forget that morning, but I'm sure I've written about it here at least once or twice. I like to think that we're in a better place now...that we've moved forward. But I see news reports of people wanting to limit the religious freedom of others and burning religious documents that they haven't taken the time to understand. We've moved forward in ways, but there will always be backwards thinking.

work, anniversary

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