Mar 04, 2009 20:47
Oh my God! I can't remember the last time I cried that much during a movie. I don't know if I ever cried that much during a movie at all. What an awesome and touching movie. What an important story to be told. It captured the time and age of the 70s so vividly and it's sometimes hard to believe that homosexuals were treated like that not even a generation ago. It's even more disturbing to know that even 30 years later there are still countries and societies, which deny homosexuals the right to live their lifes and to just be who they are. To know that even worse in some parts of the world they are still killed just for being homosexuals. One of the many moments that impressed me was Milk's approach to make the people see that we all know one (or more) gay or lesbian person and that there is absolutely no difference between hetero or gay or lesbian.
Dustin Lance Black wrote an amazing script, Gus van Sant did a amazing job directing it, but mostly I bow to Sean Penn for this performance. The Oscar was so so so deserved. In my eyes he became Harvey Milk and disappeared completely behind this character. He was amazing and so was this movie. Unfortunately it's not shown in to many movie theatres in Germany at the moment and it also seems to be out of the movies soon. So if you haven't seen it yet, hurry and go and see it. It's so worth it.
And now I'm off to watch the Oscars speeches on youtube once more...