The Day After The Oscars...

Feb 23, 2009 19:29

Today I realized that I have forgotten to report that my mom was discharged from the hospital already on Friday. The arrhythmia didn't occur again, everything looks fine, but they changed the dose of some medication and we all hope that this was a one time thing.

I really really enjoyed the Oscars show last night. It was entertaining and it didn't feel like it had lasted three hours. It was staged and directed perfectly and fun to watch. No presentation or performance was dragged out or anything. I especially liked that the actor/actresses awards were presented by five former winners and they all said something about each of the nominees. it felt much more personal than just a single person presenting all the names. Really beautifully done.

I didn't really expected so many awards for "Slumdog Millionaire" and I guess I really really have to see that movie, once it opens in Germany. Even though I haven't seen "Milk" yet I was so so happy about these two awards, because of the movie's message and because of what Black and Penn said in their speeches. I was really touched, especially by Black's one, because it was so heartfelt by him and so true. I really really have to see this movie. I don't know that many Sean Penn movies (still got Mystic River stored on my DVR drive), but I like the ones I know. And I admire him for his dedication to his work but also to other issues, so I was really happy that he won. And he always look a bit crumpled which makes me want to hug and cuddle him. And so I did yesterday. Wanted to, not actually did cuddle him. Obviously...I was happy about Kate Winslet winning this award as well. And there was Hugh Jackman. Freakingly awesome and so much fun to watch.

This year I watched the show without any company and I was really tired after a stressful weekend, so I changed from the armchair to my bed around 4.45 am and was determined to stay awake for the rest of the show. But I started to tape it just as well and that was a good decision, because I obviously dosed off after all. I woke up just in time to see the best actor award and best picture. I caught up on Kate's award thanks to my DVR and then turned off everything and fell asleep shortly after 6. I had even turned off my phone to not risk being woken up by something work-related and planned to sleep until 11 or 12 am.
I jolted awake at some time and was wondering why my alarmclock didn't sound like it used to and how it could already be 12 am when I still felt really tired. Well, it was 9.25 am and the chimney sweeper just rang my bell to be let into the building. ARGH! If I were a bit more animate I could have killed him. I didn't get that much more sleep after that, so I have to turn in tonight at a reasonable early hour. I thought about watching "Mystic River" tonight, but I'm not sure if my mind is up for it. Maybe a West Wing episode?

I'm kind of insanely excited about some of the things that are probably going to happen on Grey's. At least what can be gathered from the official press release for the upcoming episode and some recent set photos.

The next episode (5.17) is titled "I Follow You Into The Dark" and the episode description contains the following

After learning at a deposition that more of his patients have died than survived, Derek decides to quit, even as Meredith refuses to give up on him.

Oh, the drama. But seriously I love that Derek finally gets a character-centred storyline and I love to see angsty and dark and troubled Derek for a few more episodes. There also are recent photos from the set, and they must be filming episode 19 or 20 and it's outside (at the trailer? on his land?) and it looks like Derek is actually taking time off. At least he's not bothering to shave :-)

Becoming a rugged outdoorsy mountainman? I'm so looking forward to these episodes and to see  the reveresed roles in this relationship. It makes up for all the Izzie crap during the rest of the episodes...

addicted to grey's, life, entertainment

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