Thank you, people of America

Nov 05, 2008 07:50

I am such a internet nerd. I didn't have to get up yet, because I have to work longer (in the afternoon) today and I'm already working overtime this week, because I have to work on my free Friday as well. I woke up a few minutes ago, didn't wanted to get up yet, but of course find out about the US Elections. The radio didn't gave me any news (only music and commericials) in the few seconds I tried. So I turned to my cellphone which I kept on and on my nightstand, because of my hospitalized mom and you never know. I switched on cellity and checkey my timeline (tweets I'm following) but these short messages weren't so  clear. Maybe I was too tired to understand them :-) Only then I realized that I should be able to get that information on TV. And of course I found out immediately. Good old TV :) I am SO SO relieved. Especially about the other news reaching my ears from the running TV. Democrat majority in congress and senate? So cool. And optimistic that it's going to change the world.

Now I'm off to make some coffee. And go to the bathroom and out of my pjs and all :-)

politics, obama

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