Blog negligance

Jul 13, 2008 21:53

I'm afraid my blog suffers from a bout of depression. It feels neglected and rightfully so. The weird thing is, that I've got things I want to write about like I always did. Probably not the most significant topics, as I didn't find a cure for a fatal disease or found away to secure world peace and feed the world. Or something like that. Which didn't bother me before and I don't mean my inability to find a way to feed the world, although the problem is bothersome, but not necessarily solely mine to solve. I still get the "you have to blog about this" moments during the day, but then I never get around to do so, which is only partly due to lack of time. I would have had the time, I just couldn't bring myself to write about all the insignifcant stuff like DVDs and TV shows and music. Although I actually want to. Does that make any sense? Probably not. And writing about an idea I had days ago is weird as well, because I sometimes don't even remember what brought on the idea in the first place. My mind is a strange place at the moment...

Maybe looking at my new wallpaper made my mind go fuzzy :-)

This wallpaper was definitely something I wanted to write about, when I found it on my favorite Grey's fanfic board on Friday Night. But as it actually already was Saturday morning I was too tired and to giddy because of the wallpaper, that I wouldn't have been able to come up with something coherent.

I wanted to write about the DVDs I watched and the ones I already got from Amazon. (Upside of Anger, Must Love Dogs, Freedom Writers). I'll be watching Freedom Writers tonight after I finish this post and I guess watching DVD excessivly is another thing that kept me from posting anything useful :-) I finally made myself watch "Once upon a time in the west (Spiel mir das Lied vom Tod)", which I got via my Amazon DVD rental account ages ago. According to Bro3 this is a classical must-see, so I finally watched it, just to be able to say I've watched it. And honestly: it didn't really mean anything to me. I can understand why the movie was such a success when it came out and probably for years after. But it didn't keep me on the edge of my seat. At least now I can say I know the movie ;-)
To make up for that rather dull (in my eyes) experience I watched two Chicago Hopes episodes afterwards and had a great time. Episodes 3.02 and 3.03, the arrival of Jack McNeil at Chicago Hope. I didn't remember the Oklahoma City storyline, I always thought he quit because he had some addiction problem. Drugs? Gambling? Or was that something that happened later on? Anyway I didn't remember that he was such a witty and cynical guy either. His encounters with Aaron Shut were so much fun to watch. I might pop in the Chicago Hope DVD after the movie tonight as well. Yes, I can be a TV / movie junkie sometimes. No wonder this blog feels neglected ;-)

I still haven't given up to write a post about my Top 10 Killers songs in regard with my way of compiling Top 10 (or more) song lists and a sentimental retrospect of compiling "Favorite Songs of ..." tapes when I was a teenager. It had to be done in a very spefic way and then there was the time restriction of 45 minutes per side. I could have written a manual about my way to compile these tapes and I wanted to give you a glimpse of my nerdiness in that Killers post. I still might later this week. I'm definitely planning to.

Besides watching TV I did some other stuff in the last couple of day after all. The usual household chores (definitely not significant). Worked on my termpapers (More or less diligent. Today I'm rather content with my work). Met with part of my Canada travel group and some more hockey fans to watch our Canada photos, reminisce about the trip, have lots and lots of yummy food. And I don't want to think about all the things I could have done but still didn't...


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