A Week in the Life of liljan98, Volume VII

Jun 05, 2008 23:34

The week is over. Wow, that went fast, didn't it? I really had fun doing this and if it weren't some work to upload and photos and volumes at night, I would love to continue this. It's a weird sort of fun to do during the day. I might do another one later in the year. Who knows. Enjoy these pictures, I know somebody will definitely enjoy the last one. It's my way of saying thanks for that meme :-)

Rules of WITL

Volume VII - Thursday, 5th June, 2008

10:01 am - "Stadion Mafia?"

12:26 am - "getting ready for exercise class during lunch break"

03:31 pm - "in need of refurbishment indeed"

04:12 pm - "looking forward to it"

05:15 pm - "about time this hedge got trimmed"

07:20 pm - "on my way to meet Indiana Jones"

11:02 pm - "remains of my XF fandom on the storage room door"


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