Today's Leftovers, 5th Issue, 2011

Feb 14, 2011 22:23

I wrote a “Leftovers” post on the train on my way to Berlin on Thursday, but the mobile internet connection sucked, so I couldn’t post it and I was to busy to do that while I was in Berlin. It wasn’t important stuff anyway, just my attempt to leave some kind of “I’m still alive” message here.
I’ve written this post on the train on my way back home and was smart enough to not even try to post it until I got home to my wi-fi : -)

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I had a great time in Berlin. I didn’t do as many of the tourist-y things I planned to do, but I guess that’s typical for these kind of weekends in the big city : -) All the more reason to come back and not wait another 10 years (it’s been that long since my last and actually first ever trip to our capital)

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I didn’t plan to spend a lot of money on shopping in Berlin, but I did. I really did. Not the typical clothes and shoes or stuff like that. But fridge magnets. Postcards with very wise/witty/inspiring sayings. CDs. Kitchenware. I seem to only buy this stuff for my kitchen while I’m on vacation, like I did during the Indian Summer trip. But we just don’t have these kind of shops where I live. Or I haven’t found them yet. I knew it was a good thing to take my large suitcase for this trip…

I’ve also brought back a sore shoulder, because I stumbled over a step while I was taking a picture and fell flat on my face on the pavement. Well not quite my face, but I took a fall and I think the attempt to hold on to my camera as long as possible before it hit the ground might have strained the shoulder. It’s not that bad though, I’m just whiney : -)

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I was so happy to be off work for a few days. Work sucked recently because there was so much of it and various tasks had to get done, (preferably asap, if it were up to some of the people I work with). I’m still happy with my two bosses though, they are just really nice and relaxed. And friendly. Saying “Thank you” for even the most ordinary tasks I’ve completed. It feels good to be appreciated, doesn’t it ?

Both of my two jobs never (or hardly ever) crossed my mind in the last few days in Berlin and I appreciated that. It was a long needed respite. I had tons of mails in my mailbox when I got home this afternoon and got sucked into doing work stuff right away. Even before I unpacked my suitcase. Which also tells you that I turned on my computer and checked my mails before I unpacked the suitcase, so I really can’t blame the workload for that…

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I finished reading the biography of Robert Enke a couple of days ago. Such a great and moving book about such a wonderful and awesome person, who left this world much too early. It was very sad and heartbreaking to read sometimes, but it was definitely worth it, because it taught me so much about this mental sickness called depression and also about the tough world of professional sports.

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After only five weeks I will give up the project365. I only feel slightly bad about it, because it did feel like too much of a chore recently and not like a fun activity. I had just too many other things on my mind and was living in this boring circle of home - work - mandatory meetings of various kinds - home - work… There just weren’t enough interesting or inspiring photo opportunities. I’m determined to still take more pictures and maybe even take part in any other kind of project. Weekly themes or something. Just with a lot less pressure on myself.

workplace(s), life, miscellaneous

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