My new sofa...

Jan 23, 2011 21:52

I had actually planned to post this already last night. But then I wanted to also include a short health update and got completely side tracked and tried to explain the whole stuff which I still haven't really completely wrapped my mind around. That furthermore started another train of thought (not in writing but in my head) and lead to another sleepless night.. Ugh. Let's just say: I'm still not quite my old self, healthwise. Far from it. And it's still an emotional turmoil...

Retail therapy helped a bit though, because I finally bought myself a sofa yesterday. Rather on a whim and not at any of the stores which I had already been to, but at the local furniture store. It's a bit more expensive than I had actually planned, but I probably wouldn't have gotten a better deal elsewhere anyway. In fact Bro2 and I drove to the other store in the afternoon as well, because he had some things in mind that he wanted to buy there. The store where the salesman had promised to call me back to let me know about the possible colors of the sofa covers. He never called, so he never got the chance to sell a sofa to me. His own fault. And the color samples I now saw wouldn't have been my choice anyway.

I did a screenshot of "my" store's pdf leaflet and added the phone photo of the two covers I chose for my sofa. It's just to give you an idea of what it will look like. The sofa is very easily turned into a large bed and I think it will really fit perfectly into my living room. It will be delivered in mid-March. Yay!

health, life

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