Being Rather Unproductive

Jan 06, 2011 20:22

My shoulder is doing much better and I slept - back in my bed !! - more than ok for the first night in over a week, but all day long I've felt really dizzy most of the time. Maybe it's still the strange cold I've got or some side effects from the pain meds I took over the last few days (not today yet, yay!) or just the stupid change of weather. I don't mind the change of weather, because the rain will most probably wash away all the dirty and messy and not anymore nice to look at snow around here. I still feel weird.

The last 20 days, which I stayed home (christmas vacation and now sick leave) were so so unproductive. Mostly because I really didn't feel well enough to *do* anything in in the last week my shoulder didn't really let me do a lot anyway. I still feel slightly guilty, that I haven't even got started with all those things I had planned to do, which didn't necessarily require a working shoulder. Reading study material for my Master's degree. Finally start working on my vacation photobooks (I'm a couple of years behind on those). These kind of things. Instead I spend my time watching TV series or movies on DVD to catch up with old and new shows. Some might call that productive as well. I'm not sure if I really should call it that though *sigh*

Here are two more project365 photos

Week 02 - Theme "Cold"
Photo 3

Rather uninspired shot of "Leo", my microwavable warm cuddle stuffed animal,
which kept me (and my feet under the blanket) good company during the TV sessions in the last few days

Photo 4

The constant rain is transforming the snow on the trees... and basically everywhere

project365, life

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