Project365 in 2011: Week 1 - Newness

Jan 02, 2011 22:34

I considered doing another "Project365" in 2011, starting from the first day of the year and really keep it up with the daily picture. Unlike the longer breaks I took when I did this project in 2008/2009. I was a bit hesitant, because I knew it would be difficult for me to come up with enough ideas to take pictures of. And I didn't think I would be creative enough to come up with 52 different themes. But thankfully there are other folks who have ideas for project365 themes. ljauss posted a project365 link from the Digital Photography School on twitter and I'm determined to work with these themes for the most part. I might replace some with themes I choose myself, but mostly I think I'll use these suggestions and will try to try out new things.

The first thing I tried is playing around with Gimp instead of just using the very simple PhotoFiltre to work on my pictures. I haven't any idea who to use a decent photo software yet (and I'm too thrifty to pay for Photoshop (yet) so the open software Gimp will have to do for now. But I really have to do some tutorials next week, because I really have no idea what it can do. I just played around a bit creating various effects.

The theme for Week 1 (1st and 2nd of January) is "Newness". The spice-rack in the 2nd picture is in fact really a rather new addition to my kitchen :-)

project365, photos

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