My Winter Wonderland

Dec 20, 2010 13:47

I'm most probably in the minority with saying this, but... I don't mind the amount of snow we are getting this year. At least not yet *g*. But honestly, I don't feel overly troubled by it. I guess, most probably because I'm used to not having to use a car, as I don't own one. I cover most of my distances on foot or by train, sometimes by bus, but that not necessarily. I definitely get through my days and weeks without a car. Train services in the metro region haven't been too messed up in the last few days, at least not on the lines I use.
The second reason, why the snow doesn't bother me that much: I'm off work till January 4th. I haven't planned a trip to anywhere during this time, I'm staying home and if the snow keeps up I'll also be staying in and I don't mind. I've got enough books and DVDs to keep me busy. Having two relaxing weeks was the plan in the first place. As long as electricity and the internet are working I'll be fine :-)

On Friday I wrote down all the various things I want to take care of during my vacation, but I haven't really started working on any item of that list. I might have to start with making a list with the things I want to get done tomorrow. Baby steps *g*
I started catching up with my TV shows, which I neglected over the last few weeks. I watched episode 8 of "Life Unexpected" and I'm not very much inclined to continue watching. I thought Kate was annoying for a long time now and now Lux is really pissing me off as well. She is such a selfish little bitch. Well, that was my thought at the end of the episode at least. Baze and Emma? Mmmh, not so sure what to think of this couple yet. I haven't really gotten a big fan of Emma so far. I don't mind her, but... well, I'll put this show on the backburner for now.

Before I will start with Parenthood", which I got to know on the flight back from Canada in October, I decided to give the 5th season of "Brothers & Sisters" another try. The first two episodes were... well, bad, to be honest, so I stopped watching. But I heard mixed reviews (at least not all bad) of the following episodes, so I started watching again last night. It's not the great show it once has been and the Holly storyline still is so most ridiculous and embarrassing to watch. But there also are some typical Walker family moments, which made it interesting and sometimes highly entertaining to watch, even though the writing and storytelling seems bad and wrong and choppy in parts. I finished 5.06 "An Ideal Husband" and I'd say that was the best episode so far. There was no Holly in it. And I always like stories that focus on Kevin (and Scotty), even though the writers decided to put him through the ringer once again. Give this guy a break, please.

I'll be spending some more time with the Walkers this afternoon, but first I wanted to share some of my winter wonderland pictures, I took during a walk on Saturday. How can anyone see these pictures and complain about the snow ;-) ? I love taking a walk in this weather, because the whole scenery is so, so different. The air is different and the sounds are different and it's all so very bright. (I might beg to differ in two weeks time, when I'm forced to get out, even when the weather might be really nasty *g*)

life, tv series

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