Another day as tourist in Stockholm

Aug 21, 2010 20:01

Besides all the walking around I guess the other thing that's tiring me a bit is the hard mattress and the nearby airport that makes me sleep less restorative as it could be. And should be, with all the exhausting walking of the typical tourist :-)  It probably really is the mattress because there are no flights between 10 pm and 6 am (or even later).
Today was kind of weird. I changed my plans a few times and those changes were more or less caused by which bus was the first to stop at the bus stop where I was waiting :-)
I went to Skansen (openair museum and zoo), even though I was afraid it might rain while I'm there. Which it didn't, but I probably should have gone there tomorrow anyway, because today was the Nickelodeon Family Day. There even was some kind of show on stage in the afternoon, but all through the day there already was crappy music blasting through the park, which was kind of annoying. And of course there were a lot of visitors in general (summer weekend) and even more families it seems. I spend less time there than I thought I would, but it was ok. It was nice to stroll around all the old farm building and town quarter. Plus... I saw my moose, which was the main reason for this visit anyway :-)

Afterwards I decided against visiting the Vasa Museum and the Aquarium (I will do that tomorrow) and went to the Ethnographical Museum instead. It sounded interesting enough and I didn't even know it existed in Stockholm. And it was ok, but with too much written explanation for all the items. Information overload and most of it was in Swedish, which I understand when I read it, but it's exhausting to have to concentrate that much. I actually planned to visit the TV tower afterwards, because I was close by, but then it really started to rain and the view from the top probably would have been not really worth it then. Maybe I'll do visit it tomorrow afternoon...

I spend the evening with a walk on the Monteliusvägen, which is the path up on the cliff of Södermalm (southern part of the inner city) and offers some great views of the city. But from up above it becomes all the more obvious that there is a lot of construction work going on everywhere. The tower cranes really mess up the beautiful view. Too bad. But it was a nice walk after all. Nice and exhausting! So I'll spend the rest of the evening in my hotel room, put up my feet, catch up with online stuff and probably watch the 2nd Lord of the Ring movie on TV until I'll be too tired to keep my eyes open. Which I guess will happen pretty fast tonight :-)  

stockholm, vacation, life

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