Abstract of Week #31

Aug 09, 2010 21:59

Ugh! I was so determined to be productive this evening, but I once again failed. Somebody must put forward all my clocks when I'm not looking...

I saw a kind of "my week meme" on a German blog last night and liked the idea of it. My version is slightly different though, not just because it's in another language. If I keep this up I guess these prompts might change a bit. Or there might be additional ones. Just as I see fit....

|First| Managed to let my computer turned off in the morning before I leave my apartment.

|Last| Package of Mars Planets I have at home (Trying to wean myself off it, but replacing it with other chocolate doesn't really help. So far).

|Sound| Heavy rain outside on a Sunday morning.

|Sight| Benedict Cumberbatch. (not in real, i.e. my life. Sadly.)

|Word(s)| Brain Fog.

|Read| Textbooks. Scientific papers. A news magazine. Grey's Anatomy fanfiction on the net.

|Listened To| "Dragonfly in Amber" audiobook. Lots of Runrig music in order to choose songs for my own "Best of" compilation.

|Watched| The Big Bang Theory. Sherlock.

|Learned| Specifics of the date format on typo3.

|Found| Textbook, already bought months ago and completely forgot about.

|Bought| New earphones for my iPod.

|Thrown Away| Pair of old jeans.

|Started| Making lists of what new furniture I need to buy for my new flat.

|Finished| Most of the detailed planning for the annual summer party (work related)

|Planned| How to get from Arlanda airport to my hotel and vice versa.

lists, life

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