Project365: 358 - 365 (The End...)

Jul 11, 2010 16:59

These last batch of photos were taken with the phone, so they are not the best quality. But they'll do, I think. According to my gallery at ipernity, there are only 364 photos. Mmmh... I could go back and look at the title of everyone and find where I skipped a consecutive number, but I'm too lazy to do that now. The heat, you know ;-)

It took me much more than 365 days to complete this project and I have to admit it felt more like a chore quite a few times during the last month. As much fun as it was in the beginning I run out of ideas after a while. At least I've learned that I'll choose my photo (or any other kind of artistic) projects more carefully from now on. Maybe just one special photo each week? Anyway here are the last ones and I totally cheated with those, because I took them all on one day. Sue me ;-)

358: Getting the bike (and me) ready for the first tour

359: Flock of sheep along the way

360: You wouldn't think there's a motorway really close by, would you?

361: Old moated manor house near the river

362: Castle ruins in the distance

363: At the river

364: Stop at the store to refill my water bottles

365: Cycling track on disused railways

project365, cycling, photos

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