Day 3 - Miscellaneous

Jun 09, 2010 21:08

I got a little over 6 hours of sleep last night. At one stretch without waking up once. Yay me! I felt almost well rested this morning, but the exhaustion set back in when I got home in the afternoon. After the IV and some errands and grocery shopping (living single has it downsides when you're sick) and stopping by my mom's, I managed to make some work-related phone calls / mails, catching up with various blogs and such... All of a sudden it was evening already. *yawn*

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Even though I would have the time to start reading a novel right now, I just can't bring myself to pick up one of the many unread books on my shelves. I'm afraid my brain is to mushy to really be able to concentrate on a new fictional story. My fictional reading at the moment is restricted to a few wonderful post-season 6 Grey's fanfictions. ariaadagio , who wrote a masterpiece after the ferryboat arc all those years ago, is back with a new story - "All Along the Watchtower" - and it's brilliant and she is such a talented writer and she knows Meredith and Derek much better than Shonda ever did and ever will ;-) Check it out if you're into fanfiction and if you still like Grey's Anatomy.

She also is a huge of Diana Gabaldon and Jamie Fraser, in fact it was her who introduced the Outlander series to me a few years ago. She uses a Outlander quote in chapter 1 of this current story and after leaving a comment about that I suddenly had the idea to check if I might get my hands on the english Outlander audiobooks after all. I usually prefer reading to listening but in my current state of health I might enjoy listening more.
Amazon lead me to their subsidary company and the german branch has quite a amazing offer. For a monthly subscribtion fee of 10 EUR / $12 you can download one complete audiobook each month. Or you can save up your monthly fee and download two audiobooks every two months etc. The prices for audiobooks usually are around 30 EUR / $35 and more so that's quite a nice offer. So of course I signed up and downloaded Outlander first and I will start listening to it very soon. On my way to the doc tomorrow or maybe even later tonight if I can't sleep :-) But I'm definitely looking forward to it. Claire and Jamie again from the start *squee*

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I'll even managed to put together the latest project365 post. Three more weeks and I'm done with that. A whole year of taking pictures. Wow. Although I have to admit I "cheated" a little and sometimes took a week or 10 days off, because I just wasn't in the mood or had no idea what to take a picture of. Maybe tomorrow I'll even find the time to write another post about the Day of Song choir concert. I at least already choose some picture to go along with that post.

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After posting this and the project365 post I'm seriously considering laying down and trying to catch some sleep. I actually planned to finally watch my favourite German actor in a TV movie, which aired last Monday and which I just haven't managed to watch yet, because i was so busy last week with being a volunteer at the concert and then with dealing with the IV and sideeffects. Similar to the "not picking up a unread book" I was and still am hesitating if my brain could handle 90 minutes of new and yet unseen television material :-) It's pathetic, isn't it?  Right now I'm leaning towards laying down...

health, miscellaneous

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