Online in the 21st century...

May 27, 2010 17:21

When I moved into my own apartment all those years ago, I bought my first own personal computer. Until then I shared one (or even two in the later years) with my brothers in our parents house. I bought a desktop computer, because laptops were so so expensive in the beginning of the century. Wi-Fi wasn't such a big thing back then eith er and what use would a computer/laptop without internet be ;-)?

I moved into and still live in a tiny one room apartment, so even when laptops and Wi-Fi were easily available I didn't replace my desktop computer and Wi-Fi-less DSL modem with a laptop. Yes, it would have been nice to be able to be online (because let's be honest, connecting me with the world wide web is the main job of my computer) not online in front of my desk. But from my bed or kitchen or even outside on my patio. But would I be willing to spend a few hundred EUR for a laptop while I had a perfectly fine working computer at home? No. Even though I started to feel more and more ancient when I saw that more and more of my friends and coworkers replaced their desktop computers with laptops.

Over the last few years I borrowed my brother's laptop a few times, when I wanted / needed to be able to work on a computer (and be online) while I was away (seminars, working on my termpaper during a vacation etc.). I could have gotten used to have a thing like that around, I thought... but there was still the money issue.

Last year I got my smartphone (Palm Pre) which helped a lot with the "being able to be online while away" issue or to be able to tweet live commentary on some TV shows when I was too lazy to get up from my comfy easy chair. Last week I once more thought how nice a notebook would be, while I was studyin outside on my patio (had to make good use of the few sunny days). I had textbooks all around and was jotting down notes on a piece of paper, knowing that I would have to transfer my notes (meaning typing the handwritten stuff and file it on my computer) later on. Such a waste of time, I thought. But I didn't want to go back inside...

So, when I saw and tested hai_di  newly purchased netbook last week I suddenly realized that one of these might be a perfect solution for me as well. In fact, the idea got stuck in my head pretty fast and pretty insistent. Even thought it would mean that a new modem would be required as well. Wi-Fi and all. I slept on it a few nights, took a good look at my bank account and then just acted on it. Not really on a whim. But almost :-)
The thing is, that these kind of decisions usually turn out to be very good decisions in the long run, so I don't regret it. I maybe should regret spending so much time already with getting the netbook up and running, installing and uninstalling, finding my way around. But I'll also put it to good use this evening, when I have to do minutes at a work meeting and instead of jotting everything down on paper and typing it later, I'll be typing it write away, because I'll be taking my netbook with me. See, it was even a good investment work-related :-)

Heidi named her netbook Dennis (after our incredible hockey goalie Dennis Endras). As it was Dennis that got me thinking about getting my own, I knew my netbook had to get a name starting with D as well. Brothers in spirit and all *g*. I almost right away knew which name it had to be, now that LOST has come to an end. One of my favourite guys on the show and not just because of his accent. Ladies and Gentlemens... meet Desmond!


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