A Few Words of Wisdom ;-)

May 15, 2010 15:59

I had actually planned to post my Grey's reviews as today's NaBloPoMo post. I didn't get around to write it yet though, because I was so so lazy today. Well, not quite, I got some things done. Tiny things, but still. Just not the things I had actually planned to do ;-)

A recent chat with hai_di  about Grey's quotes finally let me start to "import" all my mail signatures from the file in which they are stored into the new Clippings add-on for Thunderbird. Because the old -, which let me randomly and easily add a signature stopped working some months ago. Importing in this case means "copy & paste" and I'm still not done with it. I came across a few quotes (TV, movie, literature, music or any other unknown source) I almost forgot I had kept as signature or "wisdom". I really should use them more often... Things like these:

Don't wonder why people go crazy. Wonder why they don't.
(TV, "Grey's Anatomy", 2008)

It's not denial. I'm just selective about the reality I accept.
(Calvin & Hobbes)

I could give up chocolate. but I'm not a quitter.

And one of my favourite German ones...

Manchmal habe ich den begründeten Verdacht, dass sich das richtige Leben weit unter meinem Niveau abspielt.
(Cora von Ablaß-Krause alias Gerburg Jahnke von den "Missfits")

nablopomo, life

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