A Night To Remember...

May 08, 2010 16:02

Last night was the opening game of the icehockey worldchampionship in Germany. And what a night it turned out to be. Not just did we manage to steal the world record for largest crowd at a hockey game, but we also managed to steal the expected victory fom the USA!! YAY! I honestly still can't quite believe it and I'm smiling or more grinning like a lunatic, whenever I just think about last night.

I didn't expected to actually see much of what happened on the ice, because it's such a huge arena and I wasn't sure how far away our seats really would be, but they were not bad at all.

Even my brothers who were seated all the way up under the roof said that they still saw enough, even though the puck must have been just a tiny tiny freckle on the ice from up there. But it didn't matter anyway. Just to be there and be a part of it did matter.

The crowd did make a lot of noise, because it was a such a large crowd, but I have to admit that the atmosphere could have been even better. The problem with these extremly large crowds is, that a lot of different smaller group of fans start singing something, but it's not necessarily heard by those other fans who would be willing to sing along. These fans were just too scattered in this large crowd and the viewers who might not be die-hard hockey fans didn't join in, because they were just there to watch the game or didn't know what to sing or whatever. So as much fun as a crowd with 77.000 people can be, I hope it's more intense in Cologne with the 18.000 crowd in the LanxassKölnArena on Monday and Wednesday.

But when the crowd was singing, shouting and screaming last night it was the most incredible and awesome noise I ever experienced at a sport event. I can't really explain how wonderful and special and remarkable last night felt. Not to mention the historic event of beating Team USA at the world championship, because we didn't manage to do that since 1993. The German team did an amazing job and I'm really really proud of our boys. Way to go! And I was there to see it *squeeeeeeeeeeeeee* I still can't quite wrap my head around it. I really am still grinning like an idiot, while I'm typing this post.

I'd say that last night was the most amazing moment in my life as a hockeyfan so far. Because in the last couple of years the German hockey team didn't win any game at the worldchampionships or the Olympics (or at least I can't remember it and they definitely didn't win when I was at the game to see it). So to sing our national anthem after the game and to the see German flag was just... incredible. The memory makes me all teary-eyed again already ;-)


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