Not bored anymore...

Mar 19, 2008 15:06

Stupid, stupid! I sent an email to the boss asking "Do you know this statement already?", because I know that he would be interested in it. And then he decided to react with a press release. Which means: I have to react, because writing press releases is part of my job-description. He called me a few minutes before I wanted to leave. Damn!

Now I'm still sitting here, but only just waiting for his comments on my draft and then to finish it and send it to the press. I'll try to look on the bright side. This morning I was complaining about boredom and being bored at work always comes with the slightly bad conscience to get money for not working (because there isn't really anything to do). Now I absolutely feel like I earned my salary. I guess I have to postpone the big shopping trip until Saturday though, it might be to stressful this afternoon. It depends... 


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