Project365, 148 - 154 (Week 22)

Oct 26, 2009 16:40

I already see myself spending the whole weekend (day AND night) working on the termpaper, because I just don't get a real grip on it at the moment. I should be, because it's due next Monday, but still... I feel so out of it today, so my day off (for supervising technicians who didn't show up!) wasn't the most productive. Termpaper-wise at least. On top of it I feel like I'm getting a cold or something. I just feel off.. blah!

Here are last week's (well actually even farther in the past, Friday to Friday) project365 photos...

2009-10-16: "Bob, the builder" left his mark

2009-10-17: Textbooks, notes, drafts... grad school stuff

2009-10-18: At the hospital's main entrance...

2009-10-19: Birch tree on a beautiful autumn day

2009-10-20: Bro2's new kitchen floor

2009-10-21: Autumn sunrise

2009-10-22: Vacation planning

project365, photos

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