Last photos from Edinburgh

Jul 26, 2009 12:04

This is going to be my last round of Scotland pictures. I have no idea how to fill my blog with content after that :-) At the moment I just don't have anything interesting to write about or at least it feels that way. Anyway, here are a few more Edinburgh photos.

The Royal Mile

There are a lot of alleyways off the Royal Mile, they are called "close" in Scotland and that's one of them

In the medieval times various executions and the burning of witches took place on the Grass Market the. Right there in front of the picture actually

Canongate, where once upon a time the gate into the city of Edinburgh was located. And which was also were prisoners were imprisoned.

I was sitting in a park close by - at the parliament building - when I read about Canongate in the 2nd book of the Outlander series. It was weird - but in a good way - to be in Edinburgh close to the Royal Mile while I was reading about various events taking place in Edinburgh in the story, situated 250 years ago...

St. Giles Catedral on the Royal Mile

The highlight of this cathedral is a small chapel for the Knights of the Thistle Order. There are so many beautifully crafted details. And very nice ones, like the angels playing bagpipes...

Outside the cathedral there is a cobblestone heart in the pavement, the Heart of Middlelothian.

Passer-by tradionitally spit on it for good luck, at least that's my travelguide book said. I watched the scene for a while and there were indeed folks spitting on it almost casually. Not as casually as the rude males of any age who spit just everywhere. No, ordinary people - obviously no tourists - of every age, just spit on it, while they passed it. I was still hesitating, because I usually don't spit in public! But then a middle-aged woman, clearly a tourist came along and spit on it, much to the embarrassement of her teenage sons *g* And then I thought: what the heck, it can't hurt either, so I did it as well :-)

I spent a whole afternoon in the Museum of Scotland

which is not just a beautiful builiding on the outside, but a really great museum. It's beautifully designed inside as well and It's very educational. Together with a young asian woman I got a private tour of the museum, which was really cool. Well it wasn't supposed to be private, but only us two woman showed up for the public tour, so... :-) It was coincidence that I went into the museum just a few minutes before the public tour was scheduled.

My last pictures were taken on my last day, on which I visited the Royal Yacht Brittania and the National Gallery and then spent the afternoon - reading - in the Princess Street Gardens, below the Old Town.

scotland, vacation, edinburgh

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