Hmm -- so reviewing my own journal I guess I only ever seem to post when I'm looking for a roommate, huh? I guess I just never have anything relevant to say so publicly. Oh well -- for those familiar with this post, in the wake of the last person who turned out to have a bit of a drinking problem, I found a GREAT roommate. Unfortunately he's a short-term corporate relo who has decided that he's getting a place of his own with his wife when she moves up here (the NERVE of him -- I mean really what does she have to offer that I -- oh wait, never mind...)
So again -- wanted: a cool, laid-back, roommate to share my luxury condo in Davis Sq. It's a very cool space and I've been told I'm a very cool guy (my current roommate can be on hand to attest to this fact.)
See pics of the space here: and email if you're interested. The space is available available either 8/15 or 9/1 and I'm open to either a Aug/Sep-June (academic year) lease or a 1-year lease with an option to renew. Rent was $1450/mo but I've dropped it to $1375.00 (I know -- it's still pricey but take a look at the pics and you'll see that it's well worth it!)
Do drop me a line if you're interested!