Jul 27, 2005 09:47
It's 6:45 and this holy child sits, reading bits of his Bible as his previous cerainty now seems unreliable but he was told to keep (at least) his smile while he drags weak feet down that mile of church aisles towards some sorta survival..
his name now spoken- echoed in distant corridors by demons buried in dirty floors persuadin him to play the game that ends in either Death's unlucky name or in Life's golden token; For awhile avoids the lame game that has become a chore on his brain. Finally presses "start" he's on his way, got the nerve to play what was 50 years delayed until July 19th, today.
Under the knife, the fork, the metal; spooned in a blanket of blue body drugged and settled hooked on machines that whistle like steam shoots from a kettle count down from twenty, it's time to grab the ladle, sip the soup from inevitability's cauldron, embrace the baby in serendipity's cradle- Doctor, you're capable. You're strong you're MORE than these cells you are soul.
All that's left is the wait. a weight heavier than muggy eyes sedated; greater than karma now hated. The wait to determine the fate of a guy with his ass hanging out of a white paper robe.
found that on scrap paper in the trunk of my car, where i had definaty been delirious, and passed out in the crazy heat last tuesday.
im gonna update more. Lovelove looooooove, Lily